As known, all service providers, irrespective of the form of ownership, are obliged to bring service to consumers and provide information about goods and services in the state language since January 16, 2021 in accordance with Article 30 of the Law of Ukraine "On ensuring the functioning of Ukrainian as the State language". Meanwhile the campaign to support the implementation of language legislation is moving into high gear.
We all remember the loud statement of McDonald’s representative officein Ukraine. The network of fast food restaurants not only created the Ukrainian menu but also stated that the Ukrainian language was the priority one in communicating with visitors as well. They also pointed out that according to the Ukrainian legislation the main language of communication, including the official documentation, advertising communication, communication in social networks,inMcDonald’s in Ukraine was Ukrainian.
Other well-known institutions and organizations have followed the similar way of compliance with the national language legislation and dissemination of information about Ukraine. For example, an audio guide in Ukrainian has appeared in the world-famous Vienna Museum of Art History; Apple has posted a vacancy of the annotation analyst with knowledge of the Ukrainian language for the Siri voice assistant team; Netflix has announced the creation of a Ukrainian version of the service,etc.
Just a few days ago the supermarket chain MegaMarket, cinemas KINOMAN, Mercure Kyiv Congress Hotel, entertainment park Children’s Planet in Cosmopolite Multimall, Brewery restaurant"Cosmopolite" similarly stated their position on support of the implementation of Art. 30 of the language law.
"This is the support and development of the state language, the firmresponsibilityof business both beforethe Ukrainian legislation and before the Ukrainian people in general. We address other networks to carry out appropriate awareness-raising activities for the staff and to inform their visitors of switching to Ukrainian”, -TarasKremin, the Commissioner for Protection of State Languageemphasized.